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Elementary School Education Information

Education is important in today's world! An education, going from preschool to elementary school, high school, college, university and continuing education through online education for lifelong learning, contributes to your success and the success of the community within which you live and work.

This page is dedicated to providing elementary school educational information, education, learning resources, products, services, toys, games, exercises, and much more for elementary school students. You'll find everything you need here for your child's successful elementary school educational experience.

Read this informative article: Elementary School Learning Goals

Education is very important to the development of your child and those first few years can make a bigger impact on their development than all others that will follow. Ensure you start their education right. Use the resources found here to help you.

Educational learning toys, games and software are proven to enhance the development of your child. Use the resources found here to help you.

Elementary School Learning Goals

Upon leaving elementary school, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Acquire and use the principles and concepts of equity, including the rights and responsibilities of self and others.

  • Read with comprehension, produce quality writing, and communicate effectively and responsibly in a variety of ways and settings.

  • Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics, the sciences, the social studies, the arts, and health and fitness.

  • Think analytically, logically, and creatively and integrate experience, knowledge, understanding to form reasoned judgments and solve problems independently and with a team member.

  • Integrate core academic concepts and skills with life experiences; and understand the importance of work and how personal performance, effort, and decision directly affect career and educational opportunities.

  • Utilize information technologies, including computers, to communicate, acquire, promote and apply information to produce high quality products.

Grade level learning targets are what students should know, understand or be able to do at the end of the grade level.  They are the basic foundation for the next grade level and contribute to the achievement of the district learning goals.

If your child does not have a firm grasp on these essentials, consider additional educational training or products from above.